lennox Invest is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with registration number 469971.
lennox Invest Management LLP is registered in the United Kingdom with registration number OC326770. lennox Invest Management is engaged as Investment Manager of two investment funding projects. We consider our client relationships as long-term collaborations, and focus on maintaining a transparent and close relation to our clients. Since our inception in 2007, we have managed funds for municipalities, foundations, investment firms and private investors. Many of our clients have invested with us since the beginning, as well as employees and owners of the lennox Invest group are heavily invested in our funds, in total being our largest client.
Across each of our traditional investment areas we have established a general approach to environmental, social and corporate governance.
lennox Invest Investment are signatories to initiatives such as the Principles for Responsible Investment.
We combine brand strategy and planning with digital strategy to find a brand’s true capability.
We do this by investing in a responsible and ethical manner. We believe that responsible investments are important for achieving the best possible risk-adjusted return for our unitholders and customers. Sustainability and sound corporate governance give companies competitive advantages and contribute to long-term value creation. T he purpose of our guidelines for responsible investing is to prevent lennox Invest group asset management from contributing to the violation of human rights, labor rights, corruption, environmental damage or other unethical actions. We seek to invest in companies with top quality operations and management. Hence, we will not invest in companies/equities on the exclusion list of the world investment standard.
Our active support agents is always ready to answer your questions. Our consultants will be happy to assist you.